Enjoy energy independence – With our safe and quiet generator
The Silentwind wind generator is designed to charge batteries on sailing vessels by converting wind energy into electricity.
The generator has been developed and produced for use in marine environment. It can be used in various wind conditions: small, medium and high.
Silentwind is lightweight (6kg), built in aluminum alloy suitable for marine environment, corrosion protected, stainless steel shaft, waterproof sealed bearings.
The Silent Power Blades are produced in carbon fiber, hand-laminated, with great resistance and minimum noise emission, which is the great differentiator of the Silentwind.
The charge controller is external, hybrid (wind and solar energy), has multifunction display and integrated stop switch (electronic / manual).
The parameters can be adjusted directly in the controller or through the application that is available in IOS and Android. Among the available parameters are the brake module, which allows the maximum current adjustment, and the load cut-off voltage module, which regulates the maximum charge voltage of the batteries.
Silentwind starts charging with only 4kn wind, generating 50W at 14kn and 100W at 19kn. As maximum it generates 420W (Generators 12V) at 29kn.
The mast supports are developed for vibration absorption and consequent noise reduction.
For further information, contact us. We are available to assist you with your project.